Episode Transcript

Unlocking Your Potential in 2021!
Welcome to 2021! The year you unlock your potential! 
The year may have changed, but do you plan to make some changes in the way you live?
The prophet Hosea quoted God in saying “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”  
The question I ask you is “Do we have to?”  Especially now in the age of knowledge. 
We’re living in the information age.  
We don’t have to perish for lack of knowledge, though many of us are. 
We are perishing primarily for lack of implementation and execution.
Knowledge is readily available.  There’s no lack of information.
As I’m writing this article, I can tell you that I’ve been listening to ClubHouse (@joinclubhouse) for the last 2 days and there’s no shortage of knowledge on the new platform.  
You can get in any room and hear people dropping knowledge bombs.  What they’re doing in their businesses, what has worked for them and how it can work for you.
BTW, should you join the platform soon, please look me up and connect with me @PierreLaguerre.
Let me warn you it can be an addictive app.  Check out Episode #537 to hear about 5 ways to leverage ClubHouse.
In 2021 and beyond you must invest in yourself, learn new things, so you can be more useful to yourself and those around you.
It’s likely you’ve made a lot of mistakes, and so have I.
However, you don’t have to let those stop you from learning more and growing more.
You will make more mistakes, but that’s part of growing up and willing to bypass your fears and leaving behind your comfort zone.
You see, I know the worst fear most of us have – it’s the fear of death.  
Now, I’ve seen death before and I’m not scared.
What I’m actually concerned about is not completing the purpose I’ve been put here to accomplish by my Creator.
I hope you share the same concern.  This is what makes us even more responsible because we all know there will be a judgment day!
In light of that, I’m going to challenge you to check out the 4 areas of your life that need reviewing in 2021 and beyond.
Maybe you need help spiritually, or you need more knowledge in the 3 key areas of relationships, money or health.
The last 3 everyone of us must deal with, while the first one should be the priority from which every other area flows.
You are a spirit, and you are more than what you look like.  You are worth so much more!
As a man thinks so is he, said Solomon.  
It’s up to us to change our thinking so we can walk out our purpose with the right identity.
Didn’t the apostle Paul command us to renew our minds?  Why?
Because without the right identity we will keep making the same childish mistakes.
So, I want to lead you into making one promise in each area to yourself in 2021.  
When you make these promises to yourself, you will be actually unlocking your potential in 2021 and beyond!
I want you to understand there’s more to you than meets the eye!  I’m sure you know that but the world is about to know that even more about you.
I created a simple 2021 Promise Action Sheet – notice it’s not a goal sheet.  
These are promises I want you to make to yourself.
They are way more powerful than a goal in reality.  
When you make yourself a promise you take it very seriously.
I’ll make the Action Sheet available to you immediately after you join my 11-Day Spiritual Challenge called ‘Unlocking Your Potential in 2021’
Remember I said Implementation and Execution are the key ingredients that most of us lack.
Well, here’s your opportunity to jump in with me on a short 11-day challenge starting January 4th.
You may be saying what is the challenge about.  Remember the 3 key areas?
I’m going to focus on the spiritual area by starting at the beginning.
We’ll be going through Genesis chapters 1 through 11 to help you unlock your dreams, your business, your new vision of who you want to be in 2021.  
This not for those who love their comfort zones and are not looking to change.
But to those willing to take the challenge, things are truly about to change for you.
So, join me and the others who are taking the challenge at EonTheMove.com/promise, and there you can just put in your name and email and immediately on the next page you’ll get to download the 2021 Promise Action Sheet!
Again, remember nothing changes until you change.
It’s all about the man in the mirror!
2021 will not be a year for you to be playing Cinderella.  You can’t wait for the prince to bring your missing shoe.
It’s time for you to go take it ,and follow the vision God has put on your heart to succeed in learning new things while at the same time putting yourself in a position to pay it forward.
This is my way to pay it forward, and I can’t wait to see you taking the Unlocking Your Potential Challenge while making just 3 key promises to yourself for the year!
Again, download your 2021 Promise Action Sheet as EonTheMove.com/promise.  
This has been Pierre Laguerre, Your Daily Motivator
I look forward to catching you on the next episode.

If you follow my podcast, and you have a story you’d like to share, I’m setting some time aside to interview Course Creators, Authors, Consultants, Coaches and other entrepreneurs on the path to creating something new, a business, jobs, etc.  

So, let’s share your story with the world starting with my audience.  Just click on the button below to come be my guest soon. Visit http://EonThemove.com/guest for more. 

Everyone thinks they know their mate better than anyone else, and while that may be true, it’s time you find out whether you truly do.  Get your copy of my pre-released book, “So You Think You Know Your Mate?” and let’s find out how well you really do.

So You Think You Know Your Mate (3)
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Before you launch your business on any platform, grab your cheat sheet copy of “The Most Profitable Business Model Yet” (http://EonTheMove.com/BestModel) so you can choose the right business model for the right platform.
Have an idea for a business, but not sure how to go about starting it?  Check out The Emerging Entrepreneurs Blueprint at http://EonTheMove.com/blueprint and learn how to 3X your sales while attracting a new flood of customers that will soon be your raving fans!
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There are 5 Business Models you need to consider before you jump into your own business.  One of them is currently the most profitable with demand going up from $35.6 Billion in 2011 to $107 Billion by 2015, and is now projected to hit $325 Billion in 2025!

To find that best model and why I’m bullish on it, Download your copy of the eBook today: The Most Profitable Business Model Yet.  
Click HERE to download yours now