This challenge is your opportunity to change your outcome in 2021 by a wide margin, especially if the 2020 pandemic affected you or your business!
How will you do it? You already have the skillset, and maybe even the right environment. But you have to break out of the belief that you’re stuck, and that until life gets back to “normal” you cannot succeed at the level you once could and beyond. This is not true!
And to prove it, my friend Eddie (@EddieOthon) and I are inviting you to an 11-day Unlock Your Potential Challenge starting Monday January 4, 2021 to help you unlock more of the potential you have for your _business, your ministry or whatever your dream goals may be.
Ready to join us? When you opt in the challenge, you’ll receive an e-mail and podcast episode daily where I’ll cover Genesis 1-11 in light of your business, dreams and goals.
Also I’ll be on Clubhouse daily at 9am ET with the topic “Unlocking Your Potential in 2021 Challenge” so you can join us there too! (I’m @PierreLaguerre on @joinclubhouse).
Last, on the next page you will be able to download the 2021 Promise Action Sheet! Start there first!